Ostarine Testosterone Suppression

Ostarine Testosterone Suppression

Clinical Studies done by the researchers considering making Ostarine a prescription drug show no Ostarine Testosterone Suppression on natural levels of the hormone produced in the testicles.

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is in class of drugs called SARMS, which stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. Ostarine is selective, it binds only to androgen receptors in bone and muscle, which prevents things like acne, prostate issues, bitch tits or hair loss side effects anabolic steroids can result in.

This experimental drug was developed in 2009 by the company Gtx in an effort to fight muscle wasting diseases like cancer and AIDS/HIV.  The commonly prescribed drugs to combat these diseases are anabolic steroids and HGH human growth hormone.  Ostarine SARMS were developed to be a safe alternative to the traditional treatment.

Ostarine is not suppressive to the HPTA (The Feedback Loop Your Body Employs To

Ostarine Testosterone Suppression

Ostarine – The Most Potent Legal Muscle Builder Still Available

Stimulate The Testicles To Produce Testosterone) in a  6-8 week cycle of 25-30mg a day, but can become suppressive, to a small degree, if use is continued too long or higher doses are used.  The higher you decide to dose the Ostarine the higher the potential for Anabolic Steroid like results.

Ostarine does not aromatize into estrogen, so no Anti-Estrogen ancillaries are needed. In addition, it is not hepatoxic, meaning it doesn’t hurt your liver when you use it. Thus, it allows for longer possible cycle durations than the typical oral steroid cycle which is why you can easily run this stuff 6-8 weeks or more.

Ostarine Testosterone Suppression should not be an issue.

Read My Article on How Ostarine is Similar to Anabolic Steroids without the Side Effects:

Ostarine Effects – Osta Red Review


SARMS are a class of supplements that will soon become prescription drugs.  They are currently legal based on what is believed to be a loophole.

So If you are interested in getting them do it before they get banned like Superdrol in 2011


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