Metformin Weight Loss

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Metformin Weight Loss

Metformin is an incredible insulin sensitizing drug that can be utilized effectively for body recomposition, metformin weight loss , and for building muscle.

Metformin primary medical use is as a first line of defense for type 2 diabetes, before having to resort to insulin use.  Why is metformin used as a first line of defense?  Because it sensitizes an individuals muscle cells to the effects of insulin without concurrently sensitizing their fat cells.

Increasing Muscle Cell Insulin Sensitivity is the main effect of metformin.

What does insulin do in the human body?  Why is it an important hormone for weight loss and muscle performance?

Insulin is a transport molecule.  It effectively works as a nutrient “super highway” causing cells to open and receive nutrients from the blood stream.  Without the presence of insulin very little nutrients will be able to escape the blood and do their jobs inside the cells of the body.  This is why when a type 2 diabetic becomes insensitive to insulin from inactivity, unhealthy diet, and unfortunate genetics, their blood sugar levels rise out of control since their bodies cells are no longer sensitive to insulin and thereby will not open to let nutrients inside of them.

One reason metformin weight loss occurs is because of the compounds nutrient partitioning effect.  Since metformin selectively sensitizes muscle cells to insulin energy in the blood is metformin weight losspreferentially diverted to muscle which leaves the fat cells starving and lacking nutrients.  This is a positive thing because when fat cells starve, they release their stored energy into the bloodstream causing them to decrease in size.  The way metformin causes increased muscle insulin sensitivity is through increasing production of GLUT-4 receptors on the outside of muscle cells.  These receptors are normally produced in response to exercise as an indication to the body of the need to refuel the muscles with glucose.  Metformin causes these receptors to be increased to supraphysiological levels resulting in a perfomance enhancement in the bodies ability to store fuel inside of it’s muscles, beyond it’s natural capacity.

The enhanced muscle fuel or “glycogen storage” is greatly enhanced when combined with testosterone injections.  Be advised, metformin will result in a roughly 50% reduction of a man’s natural testosterone production, so any men using metformin should be concurrently on doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. Women are not affected in a negative way hormonally.

There are 2 more primary reasons metformin weight loss tends to occur in almost all users.

  1.  Metformin turns on the bodies’ “AMP-K” energy system.  The human metabolism has two energy systems it can switch between. The normally running energy system is called “M-TOR” and it is a glucose burning energy system that is preferential to the body.  This system is also called on by the body during intense exercise where large amounts of energy are needed quickly, and also when the body is in a nutrient surplus or building up energy state.  AMP-K, the energy system metformin switches on, is normally utilized by the body in times of negative energy balance or long continuous endurance exercise.  AMP-K is a fat burning fatty acid utilizing energy system.  The chemical effect of taking metformin simply switches the bodies metabolism to being highly AMP-K dependent resulting in a shift in preference from using glucose for fuel to instead being a fat burning organism.  This long term activation of the AMP-K energy system is a powerful catalyst for metformin weight loss .
  2. Metformin use decreases intestinal glucose absorbtion by 30%.  This simply means that 30% of the carbohydrates you eat will not be digested and will instead be shit out unchanged.  Because of this metformin has an odd side effect of making your shit stink really bad (not joking here).  Metformin causes changes to the bacteria inside the gut that stifles the absorbtion of carbohydrates resulting in a whopping one third of the carbohydrates you eat being unable to be absorbed for energy.  Instead they go in your mouth are broken down by your stomach acids and then just come flying out in your shit without ever having their contained calories be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Therefor metformin weight loss is enhanced by the fact that you can eat the same amount of food that you did prior to taking metformin, but at the same time absorb less calories from it.

Metformin Dosage For Weight Loss and Muscle Building

I’ve found through my own use and the use of other bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who I have personal relationships with that the effective dosage to induce metformin weight loss and muscle building effects is 1000mg per day.  Anywhere between 1000mg to 2000mg per day works and i’ve found that the effects really are pretty damn significant at 2000mg per day.  If you are familiar with performance enhancing drugs i would say 2000mg metformin per day has similar firepower for enhancing bodycomposition as something like 30mg-50mg of anavar per day.  I’m not exaggerating, this is really potent and underrated shit.  This may simply be because it is not “sexy” and exciting like anabolic steroids are.  One last thing, i strongly feel that metformin weight loss occurs best with the XR extended release version.  It just works better, as it keeps a long and sustained dosage in you all day, while the single release version is in and out of the body in only a few hours.

Metformin Side Effects

Metformin has 2 primary side effects that disappear about a month after taking it.  These are bloating and diareha as the body becomes adjusted to the new metformin induced bacterial environment in the gut.  They are annoying side effects but if you can make it through the first 10 days they decrease significantly and by the end of the first month they have more or less vanished.  The other side effect is the stinky shits and even a “metformin smell” in your urine.  You’ll notice it, trust me.  Luckily though, the metformin smell is isolated only to a person’s excrement and does not come through skin, hair etc.  so as long as you can handle a worse smell during your toilet time on the throne, then you will be ok.  Metformin is also tolerated extremely well by the body and is actually used as a life extension drug at rejuvenation clinics.  Their have been multiple studies of metformin users living longer lives and even having less cancer than non metformin users.

Metformin Weight Loss Conclusion

I believe metformin to be a very potent but heavily under utilized compound for body composition and performance enhancement.  The supplement industry is starting to catch on to this and that is why we are starting to see so many products on the market containing the inferior “Berberine” insulin mimetic.  Berberine has studies showing similar effectiveness to metformin, but the real world results of berberine do not compare to what the real world results that occur from metformin weight loss.



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