Solving Heart Palpitations for Bodybuilders

Solving Heart Palpitations for Bodybuilders

before proceeding with reading this article make sure to read the medical disclaimerThe website does not contain medical advice.  The author of this website is not a doctor.  The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice.

Strange heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, pounding heartbeat etc. also known heart palpitations are a frequent problem for athletes and bodybuilders.  A lot of people get them but barely anyone talks about them, it’s kind of a weird thing and many people experience them during the day after intense exercise or a hard workout.  Many guys wonder if it’s just themselves or if other people also experience the irregular heartbeat as well.  Many bodybuilder and athletes are even in denial about the fact that they experience this regularly lol.heart palpitations

Fear Not!  For Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand has also suffered from this anxiety causing ailment.  It sucks, I know, because you can hear your heart not doing what it’s supposed to do and sometimes you can even see your chest bouncing up and down because the heart is contracting to hard.

Guys this is usually caused by stimulants and more commonly electrolyte deficiencies.  When I really solved this problem for myself was actually when i moved to thailand and started training in scorching hot hardcore basement gyms.  I would sweat so much during the workout that i looked like I had jumped into a pool, and what do you know? after the workout my heart would pound and sometimes beat irregularly for hours.  This was very stressful and caused me some anxiousness.  I had experienced it before when I lived in america but not like this.  This was more extreme and would stay with me for sometimes several hours after training.  I’m not sure what clicked in my head but one day I saw an electrolyte packet in the pharmacy and bought a few.  I started pouring them into a water and drinking them before and after my workout and like magic, my heart palpitations vanished.  They’ve never reappeared (unless i’ve been on clenbuterol lol).

When you sweat you lose a ton of electrolytes and this is a problem since your heart beat is regulated by electricity.  Your brain sends rhythmic electrical pulses to your heart to keep its rhythm steady.  The strength of the electrical pulse also dictates how hard to valves of your heart slam to push blood out each time it contracts.  If you don’t have the proper raw materials in your body to transmit those electrical pulses, everything is going to be fucked.

Good news is it’s a simple fix.

That nonsense about fitness people trying to eat low sodium diets is just that. Nonsense.  Throw that garbage advice out of your brain (it will be hard since it’s been hammered into your beliefs since you first got interested in bodybuilding).  The first step in getting your heart palpitations fixed is eating meals high in salt before and after your workout or even putting a teaspoon of salt in a shot glass with water and downing it before you train.

Second step is getting potassium in your system.  If the sodium thing doesn’t solve your problem, this will be heart palpitationsthe fix for 90% of those people.  The best potassium source is drinking a coconut water after your workout.  it contains 25% of your daily value for potassium and most people do not meet the daily minimum recommended requirement for potassium anyway.  2nd best potassium source is eating a banana.

First try the sodium fix for heart palpitations, and if that doesn’t work then do the potassium, or just do both.  Personally I always eat a salted meal before training, then after training I consume a coconut water and eat a full spectrum meal with meat (salted), fats, and carbs.

I never get heart palpitations anymore.

There is a 3rd thing we need to discuss and that is heart palpitations and stimulants.  Different people are more sensitive to this than others, and tolerance plays a role, but it is a fact that stimulants make your heart pump harder.  They constrict the ateries increasing blood pressure, and cause the electrical impulse sent to the heart to make it beat become more powerful.  It’s just what they do.  That’s why they’re called stimulants.  Caffeine does this, so does amphetamine and ritalin, but the worst culprit is Clenbuterol.  If you use clenbuterol just know that it has a direct effect on your heart and the way it beats.  You are going to feel your heart pounding, and it could even keep you up at night.  It’s going to be noticable.  That’s just part of taking clenbuterol.  So if you are going to use it just know that this is what it does, and you are going to notice your heartbeat.  For what it’s worth clenbuterol doesn’t need to be used at a high dosage, 20mcg for the first week, 40mcg for the second week, 60mcg for the third week, and 80mcg for the 4th week is plenty.  That’s enough to get the super good fat burning effect and after 4 weeks you should just come off of it anyway.

Heart Palpitations for Bodybuilders Conclusion

Alright guys so if you are having heart palpitations get your electrolytes fixed.  Don’t walk around with a fucked up heartbeat.  The bonus to fixing your electrolytes and having plenty in your body is that you will be way more energized.  Having high levels of electrolytes feels like drinking an energy drink.  There is a very noticeable difference and reduction in fatigue.  Also don’t underestimate coconut water.  It’s the shit, it tastes great, is hydrating, and is the best source of potassium you can get.  Like I said I drink one every day following my workouts.

-the bodybuilder in thailand

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