First beginner steroid cycle

I’m just going to write this article as if I was talking to myself about what is the best first beginner steroid cycle before I had ever taken any steroids.
The commonly prescribed first steroid cycle on the internet is “500mg testosterone enanthate per week” this is written all over the internet ad nauseum. I just don’t think you’re going to be happiest doing that. I’ve worked with a bunch of guys including myself who were all disappointed at the results of their first 500mg testosterone cycle and couldn’t say they “felt like they were on steroids”. It’s a really small gradual cycle that makes you a bigger version of what you were when you were natural, but it doesn’t give any increased hardness (actually gives increased softness via water retention) and it doesn’t give the muscle any kind of crazy shape, texture, or look. It also won’t have you getting pumps that feel like cement in your muscles.
A lot of guys who do a first cycle want to feel like they are on steroids and be aggressive and powerful in the gym, while also getting ripped and hard, all with a ferocious sex drive.
To accomplish those goals I would recommend a beginner steroid cycle use a lower dosage of testosterone while adding a second steroid to the cycle. 125mg-250mg testosterone enanthate per week is going to give most a better sex drive than 500mg per week. (read why here). It’s also going to prevent estrogen from being a problem. Unfortunately, the main way you know you are on steroids and that they are working when you use testosterone is by feeling the estrogen it produces. This is the unfortunate most prominent effect of using testosterone. It has to be controlled by using anti-estrogen tablets. This is simple enough, but a huge pain in the ass and as a beginner why would you want to deal with that mess? I propose the lower 125mg-250mg testosterone per week for a beginner steroid cycle because there is less that can go wrong. It’s going to make the cycle more side effect free and prevent you from swelling up with water bloat, all while not having to worry about your estrogen bouncing around causing problems, bitch tits etc.
Let’s combine this low testosterone dose with a second steroid with specific traits that promote hardness and crazy muscle shape for your beginner steroid cycle. The second steroid in the stack should also not turn into other shit once inside the body. It can’t be a steroid that turns into estrogen or stimulates progesterone or prolactin or anything. That’s too much confusion and side effects for a beginner. Some options here would be equipoise or primobolan for injectable options and anavar, winstrol, or anadrol for oral options. Out of the available options I think winstrol is the best choice and the most easily accessible for most people. It is incredibly underrated as a mass building steroid. It builds just as much muscle as something like dianabol but it just does so why keeping you dry and hard as fuck. You don’t get any of that ridiculous soft water bloat. Also people on the internet who talk about major hair loss and dry joints being side effects of winstrol, disregard them, because those people are blowing smoke up your ass. They are internet posers who have never used steroids themselves and they are just repeating like parrots what they’ve heard other people on the internet say. Winstrol is amazing at increasing hardness, giving crazy capped rounded off muscle shape, and increasing strength. Winstrol and another steroid called ‘oral turinabol’ are the two steroids that most Olympic athletes use when they break world records. Winstrol and Turinabol are the two best performance steroids out there for athletics, and increasing power to weight ratios. If you are really worried about winstrol side effects and don’t trust what I’m saying the fine, use anavar. Anavar is the only oral steroid NOT primarily metabolized by the liver. (Anavar is metabolized primarily in the kidneys, while in fact being used to TREAT patients with alcohol induced liver failure. Yes, that’s right, doctors prescribe Anavar to people who have destroyed their livers using alcohol in order to try to save their liver. Anavar is not liver toxic. Hopefully by now you’ve been reading my website for awhile and you are beginning to understand that most of what you’ve read and learned on the internet about steroids is bullshit. In performance Anavar is like ‘winstrol-lite’ with the effect it will have on how your body looks and performs. Anavar is also less toxic than winstrol.
If you absolutely refuse to use an oral steroid in your first beginner steroid cycle then you can use equipoise or primobolan alongside your low dose testosterone. Neither of those steroids are going to give you anywhere close to as prominent effects as an oral steroid will, but they will be more or less side effect free and will promote hardness and muscle fullness along with slow long term muscle building.
First Beginner Steroid Cycle Examples
For you first cycle you could do something like this
Testosterone 250mg per week Winstrol 30mg per day.
Testosterone 125mg per week Anavar 50mg per day
Testosterone 250mg per week Equipoise/Primobolan 600mg per week
Any of those above cycle should be run for 8-10 weeks. Again don’t worry liver toxicity from running oral steroids longer than 4 weeks and other internet pseudo-wisdom bullshit. That is not what people in the real world are doing.
For me if i could do my beginner steroid cycle over again I would go with the testosterone and winstrol cycle.
Before I leave I want to remind you that when you do a steroid cycle make sure to have an anti estrogen on hand to deal with potential estrogen side effects. Letrozole, Arimidex, and Exemestane are good estrogen inhibitors. You need to have one of those three anti estrogens on hand if you do a steroid cycle. No exceptions. It’s absolutely foolish not to. You won’t need much though. For a 10 week cycle you wouldn’t use more than one or two anti estrogen tablets per week and would only need 10 or 20 tablets total to cover you for the cycle.
Alright happy cycling man learn about PCT here
-Your friend dan the bodybuilder in thailand
Hi Dan,
Great seeing you back and healing!
What’s your view on using HCH on-cycle to mitigate suppression and shrinked balls? Would the PCT be easier if using HCG and what would be a good protocol?
I’ve previously used 300-500 IUs every other day, and it seems to keep testes up’n running.
hey bro HCG absolutely. i like running it while on cycle. it bothers me psychological to have shrunk balls that don’t contain much lol, so i use the hcg on cycle to prevent that from happening these days. normally i do 500iu twice per week. i know some people like 500iu 3 days per week.