Hardgainers Bodybuilding Diet To Gain Muscle Fast Six Pack

Bodybuilding Diet To Gain Muscle Mass for skinny guys and hardgainers who can’t gain weight.

Lot of misconceptions here guys.

The first thing I am going to tell you is that, dieting to gain muscle and gain weight, certainly DOES NOT include “Eating Clean.”

So many guys who are skinny hardgainers ask me “Dude How Do I Gain Weight?”

The Answer is you need to POUND THE CALORIES

These guys who are hard gainers are usually guys 17-28 years old with metabolisms like race

bodybuilding diet


horses and no matter what they do, they cannot for the life of them gain 5 pounds.

These guys always say things like “I’m eating tons of protein, a ton of chicken breast and rice I don’t know why i’m not gaining muscle.”

I can tell you why you are not gaining muscle.  It’s because your body simply doesn’t have enough calories (energy) to use all the protein you are eating to build muscle.  That protein is being burned as energy instead of being used to build muscle.

When I First Started Gaining Major Weight and Muscle I ate ice cream and nuts before bed.bodybuilding diet

High Calorie Foods Guys.

^That’s probably very shocking to you, but your first pursuit should be GAINING WEIGHT

you cannot gain muscle if you do not gain weight


What Can You Do Now To Start Gaining Weight and Gaining Muscle?


Continue eating as you have been, but add a protein shake with whole milk to each meal.

bodybuilding diet

Whole Milk + Whey Protein Powder

 (You should be eating a minimum of 4 meals per day)

This is going to add about 1000 calories to your diet.

Do this for a week and see if you start moving the scale.

The next course of action if you are still not gaining weight is adding a pint of ice cream before bed.

The ice cream will not make you gain fat, it will provide your body energy through the night so that it can use the protein you ate during the day to build muscle instead of burning it for energy while you sleep.

I‘m telling you guys this stuff because this is what works.  If you don’t believe me and think you know better than me, fine stay skinny.  

You’re reading this because you have not been able to follow a bodybuilding diet that works.  So i’m telling you about something that will work.  Take it or Leave it.

Lastly, If you still need more energy to start gaining weight and moving that scale, (or you simply refuse to take my advice and eat ice cream before bed)

Then I recommend you add a scoop of Rich Piana 5% Real Food to each whole milk protein

bodybuilding diet

mix a scoop or 2 of this in with each protein shake

shake you drink.

This stuff is literally one of the best supplements out there.  


Because it’s REAL FOOD.

These are the ingredients;

Sweet Potatoes 




That’s it.  It’s ground into a powder so you can drink it.  Making it easier for you to pound down more calories without chewing your jaw off your face.  So go ahead and add these high quality complex carbs to your protein shakes.

Okay Guys,

Do all this consistently EVERY DAY, consistency is the key.

This should fix your bodybuilding diet problems and get you gaining weight.


-The Bodybuilder in Thailand

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