Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Fertility

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Fertility

Will Hormone Replacement Therapy Make Me Infertile?


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Testosterone and Estrogen are the Male and Female Sex Steroids.  When sex steroids are testosterone replacement therapy and fertilityadministered from outside the body it causes the body to shut down production of it’s own hormones to try and combat the rise in hormone levels it senses.  This cause the person ingesting the sex steroids male or female to become temporarily infertile.

Injections of Testosterone are to the male body, the equivalent to Taking Birth Control Pills (estrogen and progesterone female sex steroid tablets) or Injections to the female body.

Taking injections of exogenous testosterone (synthetic), causes the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicluar axis) to sense a rise in testosterone levels.  The body tries to bring itself back to equilibrium by ceasing production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone, which are the two hormones responsible for signaling the testicles to function normally.

Without stimulation from FSH and LH hormones, the testicles shrink some and cease to produce testosterone and sperm.

Taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT is like taking a male birth control shot.  All evidence from scientific studies report that after discontinuation of administering the

testosterone replacement therapy and fertility


testosterone a few months later the testicles, testosterone levels, and sperm count were back in normal range.

This effect of administering and discontinuing sex steroids and the recovery of fertility is mirrored by females who use hormonal birth control.  After they women go off the pill sometimes it takes 3 weeks, sometimes it takes 3-6 months, but they always become fertile again.  To answer the question “Will I Lose My Fertility After Testosterone Replacement Therapy? HRT” the answer is “Very likely Your Fertility will be fine if you ever want to knock up your wife.”

In addition to coming off of TRT to regain fertility, ability to procreate and have a healthy sperm count is easily attained during hormone replacement therapy by the simple addition of 250 IU of the hormone “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin” HCG.  Any time you want to regain your fertility while administering TRT just use HCG for a week, and by the end of those seven days your balls should be big and full and shooting live soldiers.  Testosterone replacement therapy and fertility can be had simultaneously.

A man shouldn’t worry about losing his fertility from testosterone replacement therapy any more than a woman taking birth control pills should be worrying about losing hers.

Follow This Link To Get Your Testosterone Levels Checked in Your Hometown for less than a Hundered Bucks even with if you don’t have Insurance.

PersonaLabs is a Blood Work Lab with locations all over the USA who do private blood work.

You buy the “Free and Total Testosterone Test” show up to a labcorp location (There are literally at least 50 of these blood work labs in every medium sized city in the USA) Labcorp takes a vial of your blood, and a few days later send you your testosterone results online.

low testosterone and fertility

Low Testosterone Effects

If your levels are below 400 ng/dl free testosterone I would recommend hormone replacment therapy with testosterone not only for physical but also mental well being.  Your head just feels so much better and more focused while on it.  The mental fog just gets burned off and lifted.

Normal Levels are 400-1000ng/dl but if you’re at 400 you have less than half the testosterone as a 20 something year old guy and it’s only going to keep decreasing.

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