World’s Tallest Bodybuilder Aaron Reed is one of my best friends. I had the opportunity to meet and train with him for a month straight while living at my home in Bangkok Thailand.

My buddy Dr. Tony Huge from Enhanced Athlete visits me in Thailand regularly while promoting his business. In march 2017 he brought World’s Tallest Bodybuilder Aaron Reed with him to Thailand to help with marketing.
At first when meeting Aaron Reed, I didn’t know what to think. He seemed like the stereotypical bodybuilder guy who is always putting on this act of being so tough. Well, this completed melted away after getting to know Aaron for about an hour. He is extremely kind, funny, good hearted, and friendly. He’s just a huge person (intimidating) and also plays up a persona of being a tough guy. This is probably because Aaron Reed used to fight in the WWE world wrestling federation.
Anyway, Aaron and I developed a friendship and brother like bond during the month he spent in Thailand. At the end of the first day he was here, we headed to Soi Cowboy to watch some Go Go Dancers and Blow off some steam with Dr. Tony Huge.
This was a funny night and we both were able to relax and start a friendship that has lasted ever since. What was funny is Aaron Reed and I both share a fear Ladyboys (Thai Transexuals), while Dr. Tony Huge loves them. Against massive protesting from Aaron Reed and I, Dr Tony Huge managed to get us into a Ladyboy Bar called “Cock-a-too” on Soi Cowboy street. I was literally mortified I had onto Aaron’s girlfriend Celina for protection. I used her as a human shield in front of me to protect me from the aggressive ladyboys. We stayed inside for about 10 minutes and luckily the ladyboys were most concerned with a bunch of Asian guys who looked like they were about to be customers lol.
Usually ladyboys are obsessed with bodybuilders because they like big men who are bigger than them and for some reason ladyboys are never small men, they are almost always over six feet tall. I don’t know how to explain this strange fact but it’s true. I’ve asked thai and pinay women why ladyboys are always tall men with large skeletons and they do not know why. It’s some kind of strange phenomenon.
Soon after this Aaron and I began daily training together at Muscle Factory gym in Bangkok as workout partners. I admired his intensity and pain tolerance and decided I would have to have him train me. I needed to learn the intensity that he was able to produce in order to take the next step in my bodybuilding.
Learning Aaron’s high intensity low volume “1-set” training philosophy changed the game of bodybuilding for me. During the months that followed after Tallest Bodybuilder Aaron left, I made some of the best and most freakiest gains of my bodybuilding career.
One of the strange this about being around Aaron is that his body is just not like mine and yours. He appears to not look human when he is walking around in public just because he is so big and massive and freaky that he can barely be considered the same species as the rest of us. If I had to say “What it is like to see Aaron Reed World’s Tallest Bodybuilder in Public?” I would say that it looks like seeing an elephant walk down the sidewalk. He resembles an elephant more than a human being. Monstrous.
Above is a fun video of Aaron and his girlfriend “Room Raiding” me. I was clean I swear!!! This was the beginning of a fun day in Bangkok where we went to Lumphini park to find the Komodo Dragon Giant Monitor Lizards which are miniature dinosaurs still on earth. We successfully touched the monitor lizards but one attacked me with it’s tail and whipped me leaving a huge red welt on my thigh. We met up with my thai girlfriend at the time and got foot massages at a place in silom area called “Rapee Massage” Aaron thought the name of this establishment was beyond hilarious and could not stop talking about it. For about the next week he would occasionally bring up the “Rapee massage” and start laughing, saying he needed another “good rapee massage!” The massage was clean lol, I know you are going to speculate while reading this (hahaha) but we had our girlfriends with us and there was no funny business at the Rapee Massage in Bangkok!
Aaron and I along with the Enhanced Athlete circus decided to take a trip to the remote Thai island of Koh Samui in the southwest of Thailand. Koh Samui is the island people use to hop over to the famous island of Koh Phangan where the full moon parties are held. Koh Phangan is where all those videos of people on drugs crawling around and screaming like zombies come from on youtube. Luckily we didn’t go there. I hate shit like that.
We had a sweet contact at one of the local gyms on Koh Samui island. The owner of Elite Fitness Koh Samui hooked us up with a trip to this 5 star resort on the island, it began raining, but really it all just added to the experience. Watch the video above to see some of that debauchery. You have to remember that Aaron Reed, Tony Huge, and I are not average or ordinary people. We are slightly eccentric and very different than the majority. That’s why we have all successfully pioneered these alternative lifestyles. We are all fun loving people who want what is best for others and when we are together it’s usually non stop shenanigans because of the fusion of big personalities.
Above is a video that was not planned. Aaron Redd World’s Tallest Bodybuilder and I were driving around the island of Koh Samui on our motorcycles when I suddenly noticed a sign on the side of the road that read “Snake Farm” well Thailand “Snake Farm” is obviously going to have no rules or government regulation and I have to tell you that what happened inside that place were mentally insane. The 3 Thai guys who owned it were a father and 2 sons. One of them was bit by a cobra and another one threw a black scorpion on my stomach (I demanded he remove it instantly) Overall I can’t describe this experience. It was just too insane. The thai guy also told Aaron’s girlfriend that Aaron was no good for her “she need small man” when she asked why he made a vulgar motion a proclaimed “SUPER BIG COCK!!!” Lmao
So this is my write up on Aaron Reed world’s tallest bodybuilder. I hope you guys have enjoyed it, he’s a real physical specimen, an Adonis who lives the training and eating bodybuilding lifestyle. Does Aaron Reed use steroids? of course he does. But not in abusive amounts. This guy is a true old school bodybuilder who lets his training and diet do the work while adding some testosterone in to make his food work for him in the muscle building process.
Aaron Reed – The World’s Tallest Bodybuilder YouTube and Instagram

The Thailand content is awesome. Different world. Awesome. Thanks for the write-up on Mr. Reed also.