Connor Murphy Steroids
Connor Murphy is a self proclaimed natural bodybuilder who takes anabolic steroids.
Connor is a fake natty money making machine, an evolution of the blueprint for social media fame created by internet bodybuilder Zyzz and then fully realized by aesthetics boy Jeff Seid.
These guys use the anabolic steroids testosterone, trenbolone, winstrol and anavar along with the fat burner clenbuterol and the peptide injectable Human Growth Hormone to achieve their steroid bodys.
Boys who grew up in single parent households without fathers idolize these charlatans.
Boys who grew up without fathers in their homes never had a positive model of masculinity to

Idols of Men Raised by Single Mother’s David Laid & Jon Skywalker; If you had a father he would kick your ass and slap you silly for looking up to this filth
work towards. Since the basic blueprint of manhood was missing in their single mother household, they were forced to look for other role models of masculinity.
Fake natural steroid bodybuilders like Zyzz, Jeff Seid, and Connor Murphy, outwardly project what seems to be the ultimate masculine appearance. They project symbols of masculine success and prestige such as being surrounded by females with horny pussies, and having expensive material possessions.
Many young men have no idea what they want out of life. They have no idea what they believe, what their morals are, or what the purpose of living is. These young men are the perfect prey for fake natural steroid using bodybuilders and aesthetics boys like Connor Murphy.
Listen to this bro.
That’s what Connor Murphy and the fake natural steroid losers are. They are masters at projecting hedonism, materialism, and all other forms of degeneracy. They project an image and appearance with absolutely ZERO substance behind it. And they laugh their asses off at you… yes you, the gullible follower and believer.
Dr. Tony Huge of Enhanced Athlete is another one of these fake natural steroid losers who laughs at you and your gullibility.
Wait FAKE NATURAL??? Tony Huge admits steroids!
Yes, Tony Huge admits steroids, and that is the angle he uses to scam you and easily fleece you of your cash.
Tony admits about 10% of the steroids and drugs he uses, unbeknownst to you in actuality he is using around 2500mg testosterone per week, 700mg-1400mg Trenbolone per week, and 20IU HGH per day YEAR ROUND in addition to whatever else he tells you that he is currently using.
I want to help you though if you’ll let me bro. You don’t need to follow these fucking assholes and have the misery that your life will be if you adopt their modus operandis.
Yes you can use steroids an improve your life. Injectable Testosterone is a massive advantage in all areas of living for everyone who uses it. Everyone who has used injectable testosterone in real life can confirm that what I am saying is true.
If you want a Connor Murphy steroids body I can tell you the drugs you need.
But first just promise me that you will no longer worship this guy and let him be your role model.
Connor Murphy, Zyzz, Dr. Tony Huge, and Dan Bilzerian all have 2 things in common,
You’d be better off reading the bible and trying to learn about manhood by reading about Jesus’ life. You don’t have to be religious, but if you are fatherless and lack an example of proper manhood in your life (i’m assuming you do since you want to know how to be like connor murphy steroids and the fake natural bodybuilder aesthetics cunts) learning from Jesus could help you.
Or if you don’t wanna do that then just listen to me because i’m not trying to jerk you around, I care about your well-being, and I want to help you.
Connor Murphy Steroids Cycle
Here are the drugs you need if you want to look like Connor Murphy steroids. Connor is not a mega-doser or steroid abuser like Matt Ogus. Connor Murphy uses moderate to low dosages of drugs.
Testosterone 500mg per week
Anavar 40mg per day
Clenbuterol 80mcg per day
^That’s pretty much it.
This guy is not on a lot of stuff. Connor Murphy is an excellent example of a moderate to low dose steroid user with great genetics.
Rock on People
-Your Friend,
Dan The Bodybuilder from Thailand