Roid Guts and Palumboism

HGH Roid Guts Palumboism

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Phil Heath’s Massive Gut Protrusion at the Mr. Olympia

The GUT. What is it? What Causes it? When Did We Start Seeing It?

What’s Up Dude,

These days we’ve all seen the Pregnant Stomach of these Monster Bodybuilders.

It looks like a ninja turtle shell is stuck on their stomach the way it is so round and bottle shaped.  It sticks out in front of them with huge squares and makes the bodybuilder’s physique look like a total mess.  The worst is when Mr. Olympia Phil Heath displays his ragin’ alien inside his abdomen.

So when did we start seeing … “THE GUT”

or as Luimarco likes to call it, “Bubble! Bubble! Trouble Gut!”

We started seeing it a few years after Dorian Yates became Mr. Olympia.  Yates was the first one to display the new massive look of post 80’s

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Dorian Yates Father of Modern Bodybuilding

bodybuilders.  When he became the biggest, it wasn’t by a small margin, it was by an absolute landslide.  The wrinkle in Yates’ metamorphosis was that unlike bodybuilders of yesteryear who had made remarkable gains, Everything on Yates seemed to grow.  And when I say everything I mean everything.  His muscles, His Gut, His Hands, His Feet, His Face, everything on this man seemed to grow and it was shocking.

At the same time, Yates never let his Roid Guts get out of control.  The secret to Yates’ dominance was his development of the Triple Cocktail Drug Stack that changed bodybuilding forever.

After Yates Won 6x straight Mr. Olympia titles, even whilst carrying massive injuries like torn biceps and triceps, it was clear that the other competitors had to gain more size, the only way to do so was to do what Yates did…

Seeking to win a Mr. Olympia themselves and now with the knowledge of the Triple Cocktail having hit the mainstream professional bodybuilding world.  In the late 90’s other bodybuilders started to

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Ronnie Coleman (Left) at the ’98 Mr. Olympia

deploy the triple cocktail.  Most notably was Ronnie Coleman, who single handedly embodied bodybuilding like no other man since Arnold Schwarzenegger has.  Ronnie, with his do whatever it takes champion’s mindset took the Triple Cocktail and used it to it’s full capabilities, using it to present an abominable 300lb shredded muscular freak of a physique on the ’98 olympia stage to start his 8-time Mr. Olympia reign of terror.

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Modern Bodybuilding

The dominance of Coleman and Yates forced the other bodybuilders to follow suit with drug experimentation.  This was pushed even further by the inclusion of Growth Hormone releasing peptides in bodybuilding from the early 2000’s onwards.

This has resulted in the physiques we see onstage at NPC and IFBB bodybuilding shows today.

The Combination of high levels of Growth Hormone and Insulin over prolonged periods of time are the cause of Roid guts.

The High dosages of HGH that Pro Bodybuilders must use in order to be competitive range from 15IU-45IU per day.  Standard HGH replacement therapy dose is only 1IU per day lol.

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HGH Injections

Having massive levels of HGH in the blood causes IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor) to skyrocket.  IGF produces growth in tissue.  It is independent or non-selective in it’s target tissues.  This is why pro bodybuilders commonly have morphed faces with foreheads chins and brow ridges much larger than when they started. IGF really does make everything grow.  It enlarges the brain, enlarges the heart, the hands and feet, the intestines.  Some bodybuilders even claim HGH thickens their penises’!

The actions of human growth hormone are intensified by the presence of high insulin levels in the blood, as insulin is a driver of nutrients across the cell membrane and allows for much better efficiency in any kind of damage, repair, and grow behaviour.

In the end, HGH guts became a “thing” when Dorian Yates changed bodybuilding forever.  His rise to bodybuilding greatest coincided with the penetration of large doses of HGH, Insulin and IGF-1 on the bodybuilding scene.

Since that time, those drugs have only become more important, now being required to gain even any kind of notoriety in NPC amateur level bodybuilding shows.


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Dave Palumbo

“Palumboism”, is a term used synonymously with HGH gut one of the most atrocious cases of Roid guts in bodybuilding history was sported by the NPC bodybuilder and owner of RXmuscle Dave Palumbo.  A massive abuser of high dose steroids, Dave is known in the bodybuilding community for his love of insulin.  For this he has had the honor of becoming the king of the human growth hormone guts henceforth known as “Palumboism”

Palumbos Roid Guts are asbsolutely revolting.  His entire physique looks like it’s melting, I can’t believe he had the audacity to step on stage looking like a freaking pile of my morning stinky diahreha.



Big Lenny Ripped and HGH gutted out

“Lennyism” is the disputed nickname for official use as the nickname for HGH guts.  This comes via “Big Lenny” of the Delray Misfits.  It is unclear whether Lenny or Palumbo first developed Palumboism.  As of evidence from this video from 2002 it is indeed possible that Big Lenny is in fact the godfather of Palumboism.

Let it be known that this condition is a disgrace to bodybuilding.  Do not use massive doses of human growth hormone, do not use massive doses of insulin.

Dun’ Fuck Yourself Up Son!



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