Rich Piana 30lbs – Must Read Post – How To Succeed on The Program Like Rich Piana
Hey guys,
Rich Piana has been on YouTube now for about the last 3 months doing his vlogging for his 30lbs in 4 months bulking guide.
I tune in and watch an episode once every 3 or 4 weeks.
Have been around for some hilarious moments such as “Busted! Yummy cookie” and “Right babe?”
I especially like his vlogs where he’s talks about the techniques he has used to become filthy rich. His real estate career, his day trading. He really puts a lot of valuable content out to accent his entertainment.
Rich Piana is most well known for his open and honest steroid abuse. As well as his synthol arms.
Right then, lets quickly go over the Anabolic Steroid Cycle Rich is using for his 30lbs
Testosterone Enanthate – 1500mg per week
Boldenone Undecyclenate “Equipoise” – 900mg per Week
Trenbolone Enanthate – 600mg per week
Oral Anadrol – 300mg per day
HGH – about 20IU per day along with Insulin Shots.
That’s it. It’s a good cycle. Not extreme at all. Just very strong.
Testosterone – is an incredible steroid for strength mass and muscle maintenance. It was created by evolution in mammals and all mammals possess it. It is the base of his cycle, and increases the effectiveness of all his other steroids.
Boldenone – Is a classic steroid popularised in the 80’s by Lee Haney 8x Mr. Olympia, who was said to have used large amounts of high quality veterinary grade equipoise. Equipoise is a mass building and cosmetic steroid known for increasing fullness and separation at the muscle’s origin, as well as slow and steady gains in mass when stacked with testosterone.
Trenbolone – Is the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid in existence. Large gains in strength, hard dry mass, muscle roundness and separation are attributed to this steroid. Tren is often referred to as “a steroid ON Steroids”
Anadrol – is arguably the most powerful muscle building Anabolic Steroid. It’s so effective that it is still used in high doses similar to the doses Piana uses by AIDS and Cancer patients and others with muscle wasting diseases. When a person takes Anadrol, their muscles will fill up with roundness and glycogen within days.
Ok so Mr. Richie Rich Piano is taking a strong dose of steroids. Good for him. We all know that already.
What’s important is that if you are trying to gain 30lbs of muscle in less than 3 years you need some chemical enhancement too.

Highly Effective Prohormones which sadly have now been banned. These prohormones were actually just Straight up Anabolic Steroids of Enormous Power that used to be sold in supplement shops like GNC and VitaminShoppe
Now I now most people don’t want to take steroids like Piana for several reasons. One common reason being they don’t know where to get them, another being they don’t want to give themselves injections with needles, and another being that they don’t want to do anything illegal and risk going to jail.
While going to jail for building muscle too quickly is an absolute bogus injustice,
because of political fear mongering, there is really nothing anyone can do about it.
Prohormones like Superdrol, Epistane, PheraPlex, and M1T which were highly effective legal chemical enhancement have been banned and now carry the same penalty for use as traditional anabolic steroids.
Is there any effective and legal muscle building chemical enhancement still available?
Thank god that technology and innovation evolves with demand. The truth is if the demand is strong, there will ALWAYS be supply. It’s just a fact of capitalist economics and a giant fuck you
to the bastards who want to ban everything so that you stay small.
The new class of legit Muscle Builders are called SARMS. Standing for selective androgen receptor modulator. Ostarine is the most potent, safe, and reliable SARM. Ostarine works in the body the same way as the anabolic steroid Testosterone does. However, Ostarine only behaves as an anabolic steroid in certain tissues in the human body. This is why it is called a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Ostarine is selective in that it only behaves as an anabolic steroid in muscle, bone, tendon, and ligament tissues. It does not shut your body’s own production of testosterone down, it does not give you acne, and it does not turn you into a hairy grizzly bear.
It does increase muscle mass far more rapidly than a natural trainer ever could, and it also strengthens the bones, tendons, and ligaments thereby increasing the Ostarine user’s entire structural system.
If you are going to follow Rich Piana’s program and succeed, then you need to get on some Ostarine and get enhanced like Piana is.