T3 Fat Loss Results
I’ve used T3 thyroid hormone (Brand Name “Cytomel / Tiromel”) several different times over the
The thyroid hormone T3 receives a ton of attention for it’s reputation as a potent fat loss drug in bodybuilding and fitness.
A lot of successful fitness competitors are using T3. Why? because it is so damn effective.
Ric Drasin who trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger at Gold’s Gym Venice Beach in the 1970’s has confirmed that he, Arnold, and all the other bodybuilder’s of the time commonly used Cytomel / Tiromel Brand T3 thyroid hormone to cut up and strip body fat in preparation for competition.

Arnold and Ric Drasin at the Beach with the Gold’s Venice Bodybuilder’s – These Guys Loved T3 for getting ripped
Your thyroid is a gland that secretes hormones that control your bodies metabolism. The hormone that controls how fast you digest food is the T3 hormone secreted from the thyroid.
One reason T3 is so effective for T3 Fat Loss Results is because it’s effects are dose dependent. There isn’t really any ceiling with T3 dosage. The more T3 you take, the faster your metabolism, and the faster your ability to burn fat. It’s not unusual for people who really want to get ripped, lean and shredded quickly to take the maximum T3 dose
that they feel they can handle without being too distracted by side effects.
Because of the Protein Sparing properties of Anabolics, when T3 is combined with anabolics no muscle is lost during a user’s rapid reduction of body fat. T3 has incredible synergy with legal supplements like SARMS and even better synergy with Anabolic Steroids like testosterone. If a bodybuilder uses an anabolic compound like Ostarine while using lots of T3, they can potentially lose massive amounts of fat in weeks while experiencing zero muscle loss.
t3 dosage
common dosing for T3 is between 25mcg-100mcg dosed once per day in the morning or before bed. When you start T3, start at 25mcg and increase by 25mcg weekly all the way up to 100mcg a day if desired.
Again, the effect is dose dependent. 25mcg is going to be an enhanced metabolism that doesn’t slow down as you get deeper into your diet.
75mcg per day is going to result in your body producing a blazing furnace of a metabolism that can still cause weight loss eating 4000 calories or more per day.
my personal experience with t3
so just to put how powerful t3 is into perspective, I actually get all the effect I could ever need from 25mcg per day. That’s a little low for most people but is all that I need.
When I started taking T3 it took about 2-3 days to feel some effects like increased body temperature and after a week of consistently taking it effects really set in. I would walk around feeling extra hot and sweating more than usual. I also would get extra hot when I ate a meal heavy in carbohydrates. The thermogenic effect of the t3 would cause my body temperature to rise slightly as my metabolism devoured the meal and burned off the energy. t3 makes me feel a bit weaker while taking it. It seems like my muscles absolute strength stays the same but I have less endurance.
I think the main effect I “feel” from being on t3 is being extra hot and extra sweaty.
The fat loss is unbelievable. I was eating pizza and chocolate cake the first time I used t3. It didn’t matter, hard training, some cardio, and some Ostarine SARMS and the fat just seemed to melt off my body. The cool thing about the t3 is it caused this fat loss I experienced not to slow down as I kept dieting. T3 Fat Loss Results don’t slow down over time. After 8 weeks on t3 my metabolism was still revving like the engine of a fuckin muscle car and I was looking ripped up as fuck. Loved it.
My T3 Fat Loss Results i’d say were the most potent fat loss results i’ve ever experienced in my life, it helped me get ripped up abs and a six pack.
It’s not a surprise that this drug is used almost universally by competing bodybuilders and men’s physique athletes, guys like kinobody, and jeff seid to stay lean year around.
how to come off t3
you gotta taper the dosage down.
if you are taking 50mcg per day, when you want to stop, take 25mcg for a week and then discontinue the t3 completely.
The thyroid is one of the most resilient organs in the body. T3 will not damage your bodies natural ability to produce thyroid hormone.
The thyroid is so resilient, study after scientific study has shown that the thyroid rebounds to full natural production of t3 again within 2 weeks of discontinuing exogenous administration, even with patients who have been administering t3 daily for 20-30 years (seriously).
In my experience I feel like i’m completely back to 100% natural functioning a week after coming off t3, and the T3 Fat Loss Results are very very good.
where i bought my t3 from
i’ve bought so many medications from reliablerxpharmacy over the years lol
Their t3 is top of the line human pharmaceutical cytomel / tiromel same shit that arnold and the golden era of bodybuilding guys used to use.
They send it over to the USA legally as a “Personal Supply Medication” they even declare that it is t3 on the outside of the box for customs to inspect. They also ship without needing a prescription, So no worries there.
shipping took about 10 days to california.
Click This Link To Go To ReliableRx Online Pharmacy Where I Bought My T3 Cytomel / Tiromel
peace guys, let me know if you have any questions or comments I can help you with
T3 Fat Loss Results