Bradley Martyn Steroids

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Bradley Martyn Steroids

Bradley Martyn is a fake natural bodybuilder.  Bradley Martyn takes steroids but lies and says he is natural.  Bradley’s steroid body is both a result of his hard work in the gym and his usage of huge amounts of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.

bradley martyn steroids

Bradley Martyn with Steroid Abuser Mr. Olympia Phil Heath

I want you to understand this clearly.  Bradley Martyn is not a steroid user, he is a steroid ABUSER.  He utilizes massive dosages of injectable testosterone (greater than 1000mg per week) and Pharmaceutical Grade Human Growth Hormone (Greater than 5iu per day).  Bradley Martyn’s steroid body is also the result of his love for the classic steroid ‘Deca-Durabolin. In addition, Bradley Martyn also likes to use Anavar sometimes.

Bradley Martyn Steroids and performance enhancing drugs of choice are; Testosterone, Anavar, Deca-Durabolin, and Pharmaceutical Grade Human Growth Hormone.

The above needed drugs and dosages are what you will need to build a physique that comes close to Bradley Martyn Steroids body.

Bradley Martyn is a Handsome Bald Man

I guess because this guy has nice looking growth hormone skin and a handsome face, people give him a pass on being a massive steroid abuser.  I shake my head and laugh at these gullible mother fuckers.  Bradley Martyn uses massive dosages of anabolics.  Not low doses, massive dosages of anabolic steroids.

My Trenbolone is 100% Natural LMAO

I think a lot of the guys who look up to Bradley Martyn and worship him probably masturbate while they watch his youtube videos.  A lot of these guys are closet gays and say things like “I’d go gay for Bradley Martyn”.  Calum Von Moger has fans like this too, and so does Jeff Nippard.

The only way you believe Bradley Martyn is Natural Bodybuilder is if you have set your dreams on being like him, and you’re too afraid to take steroids, and not having a body like Bradley will not be an option in your mind.  You have to have it.  You have to have that body to be satisfied with your life.  But you cannot take steroids because you are too scared.  So your whole peace of mind and satisfaction with life depends on Bradley Martyn not using steroids and being a natural bodybuilder.  You are not alone.  There are lots of guys who have dreams like this.  They aren’t based on reality though.  The sooner you stop smoking this guys pipe, the sooner you can realize what you have to do to get the body you desire.  Alternatively, you may realize bodybuilding is not something you are willing to do.bradley martyn steroids

News flash; Bodybuilding requires steroid use.

Bradley Martyn Steroids Cycle

If you want a body like Bradley Martyn Steroids is what you need.  You also need Pharmaceutical grade growth hormone.

If you wanted to do a Bradley Martyn’s Steroids Cycle, it would look something like 1250mg testosterone per week, Anavar 50mg per day, Deca-Durabolin 800mg per week, Serostim Growth Hormone 6IU per day.

Run that cycle for a couple of years and you will start looking kinda like Bradley Martyn Steroids Body.  bradley martyn steroids

I met a guy from Bradley’s Southern California Gym ‘Zoo Culture‘ one day while I was training at Muscle Factory gym in Bangkok.  This guy was about the same height as Bradley Martyn but much skinnier, I could tell he was very frustrated and depressed as he worked out.  Strangely this guy had a very beautiful white girlfriend with him.  Eventually, the guy came over and introduced himself to me while I was doing leg press, telling me he watches my videos on youtube.  Then he told me about how he goes to Bradley Martyn’s Zoo Culture gym and about what an asshole Bradley is LOL.  He then asked me if he needed to use steroids to get a body like Bradley.

I kindly told him, “yes buddy, you have to use steroids.”

-Your friend

Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand

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