ATHLEAN X Jeff Cavalier Steroids or Natural

ATHLEAN X Jeff Cavalier Steroids or Natural Bodybuilder

Unfortunately, Jeff Cavalier aka Athlean X lies about his steroid and growth hormone use.  I athleanx steroidsdon’t believe Jeff Cavalier is a bad person or a steroid abuser.  However, It’s a fact that Athlean-X is not a natural bodybuilder, it is a fact that Jeff Cavalier uses anabolic steroids and human growth hormone injections.  I’m going to start out by showing you a side by side comparison of Athlean-X on and off steroids.

On the left picture at 33 years old Jeff is in peak condition and sporting a top tier natural physique.  The physique you see at 33 years old is attainable naturally without using any drugs.

The picture on the right at 43 years old is a textbook example of what testosterone and growth hormone injections will do to a body as it starts to age and lose it’s natural hormone levels.  Jeff’s natural to steroids transformation shown in the above picture is a perfect example of the gains you might expect to achieve using 100% real legitimate pharmaceutical grade product and going on a cycle of injectable testosterone and growth hormone.  jeff cavalier steroids

Unfortunately, this is an emotional topic and i’m sure learning that Athlean-X uses steroids is going to disturb a lot of innocent individuals.  I don’t enjoy being the bearer of bad news.

A lot of people get upset upon learning their hero who they aspire to look like uses drugs to obtain their body.  This is very discouraging and learning the truth causes a lot of pain.  Some guys lash out and want to shoot the messenger.  They will shout “LIAR, IDIOT!” at me for sharing the truth.  It’s okay bro, i’m not offended.

If you stop to use logic for a moment you will notice that Jeff has a very good physique as a natural in the above picture labeled “33 years old”.  His physique changes and looks like it “contains something it did not” 10 years later at 43 years old.  Professional sports stars, NBA basketball players, NFL football players etc. have incredible genetics.  Have you ever noticed that they start slowing down physically around 30 years old, and always retire by 40 or earlier because “Their body just can’t do what it used to anymore”.  This is normal, and this is what life is like for the best genetic athletes in the world.  athlean x steroids

Now we have “non steroid athlean x boy” JEFF CAVALIER who is superior in his superhuman abilities to defy aging!!! He has the ability to be a personal trainer all his life and have a good natural physique until 33 when suddenly all his years of hard work paid off and his body started reacting as if it was on steroids and growth hormone and he all of a sudden got bigger and leaner and harder and more 3D and freakier in his middle age!


This is of course TOTALLY unrealistic and the only world in which you can look like Athlean X naturally exists within Jeff’s own fantasies.  In reality, Athlean X steroids career began sometime between his 33 year old to 43 year old transformation.  From the looks of it, he is using high dosage Doctor prescribed anti-aging therapy.  This usually looks something like 2IU-4IU Pharmaceutical grade HGH per day, and 200mg-400mg Testosterone per week.  Athlean X may also use a low dosage of Anavar year round in addition to the biologically identical hormone replacement therapy he utilizes. athlean x steroids

Like I said Athlean X doesn’t use much gear, he utilizes small dosages of highly potent bioidentical hormones plus possibly a small dose of Anavar year round to obtain his physique.

REMEMBER, naturally you can either be big and bloofy, or you can be small and ripped.  You cannot be both at the same time.  Big Ripped, Bulky, 3D, Full Lean Muscles all at the same time, are not natural.  That is a fantasy.

Athlean X Jeff Cavalier is pretty small and a lot of guys are going to ask me for “Proof”.  The truth is that when you’ve been doing this for as long as me you just know when someone is using steroids and when someone isn’t.  The same way you notice when a woman walks by and she is a blonde or a brunette.  That’s how obvious it is.  When you have been doing this for a long time, seeing a natural bodybuilder and seeing a steroid user and knowing the difference is as quick and easy as spotting the difference between a blonde and a brunette.

In order to be big and lean and ripped and muscular all at the same time, and look like a bodybuilder, you need drugs.

I’m telling you this to help you to know what it will take to achieve your goals.  If you take the wisdom from this article and internalize it, you will have realistic expectations in the gym and will avoid mountains of frustration.

In order to get that “WOW’ eye-popping look that you see Athlean X have, you need to use steroids.  You cannot get his look without utilizing anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs.  If you don’t believe me, that’s okay.  You will learn eventually.

Trust your intuition and use logic my friend

– Dan The Bodybuilder from Thailand


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