S23 Sarm Review

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S23 Sarm Review

Recently I experimented with the SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) “S23”.  It was a s23 sarm reviewmoderately strong anabolic and had comparable muscle building firepower to weak moderate oral steroids such as Turinabol and Anavar.  I did a 6 week cycle of S23 from 30mg-60mg per day.  The following is my S23 SARM review.

I think of SARMS the same way that I used to think of prohormones such as Epistane, Pheraplex, etc.  SARMS such as Ostarine, LGD4033, and S23 all work for building muscle way more than you can build it naturally.  The truth is natural gains never come close to giving you what you want.  Your goal is of course having big muscles while being lean and ripped up at the same time.  Bodybuilding = Hormonal manipulation.  Once you have your hormones right, then you start moving towards your goal of being big and ripped at the same time.

SARMS Results & Expectations

No SARM is ever going to give you the muscle building firepower that heavy anabolic steroids like trenbolone, testosterone, dianabol, or anadrol will give.  However, SARMS work on the same mechanism of action as those traditional steroids do to build muscle.  S23 and SARMS in general are synthetic chemicals made in a laboratory.  These SARMS work by communicating s23 sarm reviewwith hormonal androgen receptors in the body, this is the same mechanism of action by which anabolic steroids exert their effects.  When a SARM enters your body your androgen receptors view it as an anabolic steroids.  Your androgen receptors cannot tell the difference.  SARMS are not steroid hormones, they are lab made chemicals, but your androgen receptors cannot tell the difference and they register the SARM as an anabolic steroid and cause appropriate changes to the body.  SARMS work because your body thinks they are steroids.  That’s why someone who is natural cannot compete with someone who is on SARMS.  SARMS are performance enhancing drugs.  While SARMS can never compare to heavy anabolic steroid use, they will cause you to gain more muscle than you could ever gain naturally.  On SARMS when you want to cut down body fat the muscle won’t disappear like it does naturally.  SARMS are LEGAL ANABOLICS.

S23 SARM Cycle Results

For my S23 SARM Review Cycle I used 30mg per day for about 3 weeks and then increased the dosage to 60mg per day for another 3 weeks.  I felt S23 on the first day I took it and continued to feel it on everyday thereafter.  The effects are hard to miss.  The 2 most pronounced effects are emotional outbursts and heavy sweating.  Starting from the first day taking S23 I had issues with emotional outbursts.  The outbursts were so severe I had thoughts like “I don’t know if I can continue taking this and continue to behave as a normal member of society”.  I would describe the “Roid Rage” associated with S23 to be unpredictable and sudden.  It would usually happen when I was not expecting it, such as when the UPS man yelled at my dog and made me fear for my dog’s well-being.

The sweating is just absurd.  In the gym, starting after my 2nd or 3rd set, I would be so sweaty that my appearance was as if I had just jumped into a pool or exited a shower while I worked out.  This is a common steroid side effects.  The more steroids you take usually the more you sweat.

The S23 SARM helped me retain my muscle while I was off of testosterone and gave me a lot of energy and aggression to workout.  I liked it, probably more so than other SARMS i’ve used like Ostarine and LGD4033.  The reason I liked S23 more was because I could feel it on the first day I took it.  I would notice that I was on anabolics everyday for the rest of the cycle.  I like anabolic compounds with a real potent palpable feel.  Feeling like i’m “on something” instead of just slowly seeing gains over time.  S23 made me mentally feel like I was on the anabolic steroid anadrol (though it did not provide the ridiculously potent muscle building effects of anadrol).

S23 Side Effects

Before and After taking S23 SARMS I had no side effects other than the ones I mentioned about emotional outbursts and excessive sweating.  Both S23 side effects I experienced lend credence to the observation that S23 is very androgenic and crosses the blood brain barrier.  There are many androgen receptors in skin which is why men grow dark body hair and females do not.  The androgen receptors in the skin are also responsible for the increased sweating that steroid use produces.  I 100% got the sweating effect from S23 in an equal potency to any anabolic steroid I have ever used.  I had no health side effects from taking S23 SARM at a dosage of 30mg-60mg per day.

If I didn’t use anabolic steroids then I would heavily use SARMS.  They are by far the best legal anabolic available and S23 may be my favorite SARM.  It is heavily androgenic and has more potent masculinizing effects than any other SARM I have used.

The S23 I used was from NEWTRICARE formerly known as NEWROIDS.  The same stuff I used can be bought by clicking this link NEWTRICARE/NEWROIDS S23.  Make sure to use 25% OFF Coupon Code “DAN” at checkout.

Happy Gains Bro!

-Dan The Bodybuilder from Thailand

s23 sarm review









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