LGD 4033 Review SARMs

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LGD 4033 Review SARMs

Recently I messed around with the SARM LGD 4033 Ligandrol.  I used a LGD 4033 dosage of lgd 4033 review20mg per day.  This is the strongest muscle building SARM I have used.  With other SARMS like S23 I felt a lot of mental effects, such as aggression, and skin effects like extreme sweating, but with LGD 4033 review Ligandrol I wholly experienced the effects of the drug in my muscles with no side effects in other locations.  SARMs work by targeting androgen steroid receptors in certain tissues while ignoring steroid hormone receptors in other tissues.  SARM tissue selectivity explains why some SARMs are felt in some areas of the body while other SARMs are felt elsewhere.  Out of the SARMs I have muscular success using (Ostarine, S23, LGD 4033) Ligandrol had the best effects on my muscles at the lowest total milligram dosage.  My LGD 4033 before and after results were improved cosmetic appearance of my body, muscle fullness, and strength.  People always want people who talk about SARMs to compare them to anabolic steroids.  SARMs will never be as strong as hardcore steroids but if I had to compare 20mg Ligandrol to an anabolic steroid I would compare its effectiveness to about 200mg injectable testosterone per week.

How SARMs Work To Build Muscle

No SARM is ever going to give you the muscle building firepower that heavy anabolic steroids like trenbolone, testosterone, dianabol, or anadrol will give.  However, SARMS work on the same mechanism of action as those traditional steroids do to build muscle.  SARMS arelgd 4033 review synthetic chemicals made in a laboratory.  SARMS work by communicating with hormonal androgen receptors in the body, this is the same mechanism of action by which anabolic steroids exert their effects.  When a SARM enters your body your androgen receptors view it as an anabolic steroids.  Your androgen receptors cannot tell the difference.  SARMS are not steroid hormones, they are lab made chemicals, but your androgen receptors cannot tell the difference and they register the SARM as an anabolic steroid and cause appropriate changes to the body.  SARMS work because your body thinks they are steroids.  That’s why someone who is natural cannot compete with someone who is on SARMS.  SARMS are performance enhancing drugs.  While SARMS can never compare to heavy anabolic steroid use, they will cause you to gain more muscle than you could ever gain naturally.  On SARMS when you want to cut down body fat the muscle won’t disappear like it does naturally.  SARMS are LEGAL ANABOLICS.  SARMs are about as strong as banned prohormones.

LGD 4033 Effects

LGD 4033 effects were felt primarily in my muscles.  Other SARMs I have taken have not mimicked the characteristic “Muscle Fullness” injectable testosterone gives me.  I was not using injectable testosterone while I used Ligandrol LGD 4033.  Injectable testosterone always gives me a characteristic muscle fullness and cosmetic effects within one week of starting it.  Most steroids i’ve used do not give me this effects the way that testosterone does.  It is a special effect of testosterone.  I got a light version of this effects within days of starting LGD 4033.  Within about 4 or 5 days of starting I got the same characteristic muscle fullness that low dosages of testosterone give me.  I felt my strength become supplemented by the LGD 4033 and I stopped losing strength from having gone off of my testosterone replacement therapy.  My muscles felt less susceptible to injury and being ripped by heavy training during my workouts.

LGD 4033 Results

I think LGD 4033 is the best muscle building SARM.  It doesn’t give aggression the way that S23 does (which I enjoy).  LGD 4033 effects are more exclusively muscular.  LGD 4033 results seem to fit the phrase “Selective androgen receptor modulator” well.  The light steroid like effects are limited to muscle.  If I didn’t use steroids on a regular basis then I would make sure that I was using LGD 4033.  It works for muscle and strength and there isn’t a lot more to it than that.  For my LGD 4033 review I used 20mg per day which is a fairly low dose.  I think 40mg-50mg per day would bring a lot more firepower and I will be doing that experiment in the future.  50mg per day is a more typical dosage for using steroids at.  Since I started feeling low dosage steroids effects at 20mg LGD 4033 per day I would expect a dosage like 50mg per day to be exponentially more potent and more able to mimic the effect of traditional oral anabolic steroids.

Ligandrol Side Effects

I didn’t get any side effects from Ligandrol LGD 4033.  I didn’t even get any emotional outbursts or “Roid Rage” like I did on the SARMs S23.  Generally Sarms seem to be very much side effect free, but LGD 4033 side effects in particular were non existent for me.

The LGD 4033 I used was from NEWTRICARE formerly known as NEWROIDS.  The same stuff I used can be bought by clicking this link NEWTRICARE/NEWROIDS S23.  Make sure to use 25% OFF Coupon Code “DAN” at checkout.


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