Why Do Bodybuilders Use Insulin? Short answer. To PILE DRIVE nutrients into their muscles.
A normal person not injecting insulin will only produce a limited amount of insulin from their pancreas when they eat protein and carbohydrates. When you inject insulin you open the flood gates for nutrients to come into the cells. You are able to stimulate a hell of a lot more glycogen uptake by your muscle cells.
Insulin is a signaling hormone. When it is present in your blood it tells your cells to open and indiscriminately uptake nutrients from the blood stream. When insulin is not present, your cells are mostly unable to uptake nutrients from your bloodstream.
There are high risks involved with using insulin in bodybuilding, including death. Insulin is one of the most dangerous substances bodybuilders use. Using insulin can be simple enough, many diabetics do it, but mistakes happen and with one mis-measured dose you could slip into a diabetic coma and die.
Bodybuilders use insulin because it forces glucose and nutrients into the muscle cells, it increases glycogen (muscle fuel) storage and makes muscle breakdown more or less impossible when combined with anabolics.
The problem with insulin and bodybuilding is that insulin doesn’t specifically target muscle cells, it is completely indiscriminate and also targets fat cells. This is why bodybuilders use insulin along with other peptides like Human Growth Hormone. It is also why bodybuilders use insulin together with anabolic steroids. Using these other substances alongside insulin partitions (moves) nutrients preferentially towards the muscle cells and away from the fat cells.
The Anabolic Steroids + Growth Hormone + Insulin synergy results in what is known as the anabolic trinity effect and are the chemicals responsible for today’s modern day mass monster bodybuilders.